Brain Development in Children

The period during pregnancy through the first two years of a child’s life is an important time for maximizing healthy brain development. If you are considering pregnancy, currently pregnant or have a newborn baby, now is an ideal time to learn simple strategies to maximize healthy brain development for your child.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Nutrition for mom during pregnancy to support brain development for your baby.

  • Nutrition for mom while nursing your newborn to continue supporting your baby.

  • Nutrition for baby once he or she starts solid foods.

 3-Session Memory Boosting Program

This Memory Boosting program is a 3-session, individualized program to help you maximize memory and boost brain health. This program is designed for anyone who wants to learn simple strategies and techniques to maximize focus, concentration and memory long-term.

What You’ll Learn & Receive:

·         The 5 Pillars of Brain Health to keep your memory sharp

·         Which foods are Brain-Healthy and Brain-Harming? How much and how often to include these foods to maximize memory

·         Simple strategies and tools to implement the 5 Pillars

·         Brain Boosting Recipes